Battle Knight Lexicon

  • Section 1: Character

    Part 1: Attributes

    Attributes are one of the most important parts of BattleKnight. Without raising attributes a player cannot compete on an even playing field with other players and the Mission Monsters.

    There are 6 attributes, each with different functions and uses. They are:

    Strength: Raises the Strength of your character and by doing so allows you to gain extra physical Damage points. Every 4 points into Strength gives you 1 extra Damage point.

    Aptitude: Raises the defensive capabilities of your character and by doing so allows you to gain extra Armor points. Every 4 points into Aptitude gives you 1 extra Armor point.

    Constitution: Raises the constitution of your character and by doing so allows you to gain extra Health points. Every 1 point into Constitution gives you 25 Health points. Increasing Constitution also allows for a larger health return every hour.

    Luck: Raises luckiness for your character. Higher Luck allows your character to hit more Critical Strikes on each attack. Critical Strikes increase your physical damage output. Also, in a draw during Joust tournaments and Duels the winner is decided by whomever has the higher Luck attribute. Luck also determines the "profit class" for a player's mission outcome.

    Weapon Art: Raises the Hit Chance for your character. Hit Chance allows for your character to hit your opponent more often. If your Hit Chance is higher than your opponent’s Defense Chance your chance to land a hit will be greater.

    Defense Art: Raises the Defense Chance for your character. Defense Chance allows for your character to make your opponent miss with each attack. If your Defense Chance is higher than your opponent’s Hit Chance your chance to make your opponent miss their attack will be greater.

    Part 2: Inventory

    The inventory is where a player puts items they have bought at the merchant, if they are not ready to equip them, or is saving them to be sold at a later date.

    There are several sections of an inventory, with the primary 2 being the regular Backpack, labeled in-game I and II. As a character progresses the more slots will open up in these.

    The third tab, is a + sign, which allows you to buy an extra two inventory tabs. Based on the amount of gems used, the two new tabs can be large or small.

    The choices are:

    A Pony: Cost, 40 gems. Creates a permanent extra bag, 4 squares by 3.

    A Donkey: Cost, 80 gems. Creates a permanent extra bag, 6 squares by 5.

    A Horse: Cost, 120 gems. Creates a permanent extra bag 8 squares by 7.

    A Cart: Cost, 200 gems. Creates two permanent extra bags, 8 squares by 7.

    The next inventory tab has a Horse head as its picture. It is the tab in which all the player’s owned Mounts, that are not equipped, are stored. Mounts are won at Challenges, as well as some being available for purchase at the Premium shop.

    To sell a Mount (Horses worth silver only) it must first be equipped to your Mount slot and then sold to the Merchant.

    The last inventory tab has a Man’s head as its picture. It is the tab in which all the player’s owned Companions, that are not equipped, are stored. Companions are purchased at the Premium shop.

    Part 3: Achievements

    What are achievements? Achievements are in-game based medals that show what you have been doing as a player, whether it be jousting, leveling up, or battling. There are 11 regular Achievements


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  • Part 4: Karma

    Karma is the mystical force of BattleKnight. It allows a player to call upon supernatural forces to aid them in battle. A player accumulates Karma by doing missions and by going to work. All Karma forces are activated for 24 hour periods. There are both good and evil karma.

    Good Karma consists of:

    Protection of the Ancestors: Cost 50 Karma points. Increases all your resistances by 10%.

    Holy Strength: Cost 50 Karma points. Increases your strength by 10.

    Regeneration: Cost 75 Karma points. Increases your health regeneration rate by 50%.

    Angel Wings: Cost 150 Karma points. Gives you 30 more mission points.

    Mystical Shield: Cost 200 Karma points. Absorbs physical damage from an opponent, based on amount of constitution points you have.

    Stronghold: Cost 225 Karma points. Gives you protection from being attacked.

    Evil Karma consists of:

    Dark Force: Cost 50 Karma points. Takes 5 strength points from your opponent and gives them to you.

    Perdition: Cost 50 Karma points. Lowers your opponent’s resistances by 10%.

    Shadow of Darkness: Cost 75 Karma points. Increases your Defense Chance by 10%.

    Acid Hit: Cost 150 Karma points. Causes an unavoidable hit at the beginning of each duel for 200% of your weapon’s damage.

    Banshee’s Screech: Cost 150 Karma points. With every hit you land on an opponent, 15% of that goes to your health.

    Thorn Armor: Cost 200 Karma points. Causes your opponent to receive 15% of their own damage back on themselves, per hit.

    Part 5: Hit and Block Zones

    Hit zones are the area upon which a knight targets in any given contest. Whether against Mission Monsters or another player, hit zones dictate where and when you will hit your opponent. Hit zones are divided into two groups, Hit and Block.

    The Hit Zones determine where a knight will hit their opponent on their attacks. In a battle there are 5 rounds and the Hit Zones determine what a player will hit each one of those rounds. The Hit Zones are:

    Head: Gives your character -10% to to Hit Chance and +10% to Damage.

    Right Shoulder: Gives your character -25% to Hit Chance and +25% to Damage.

    Left Shoulder: Gives your character no bonuses.

    Chest: Gives your character +25% to Hit Chance and -25% to Damage.

    Right Arm: Gives your character -10% to Hit Chance and +10% to Damage.

    Left Arm: Gives your character +10% to Hit Chance and -10% to Damage.

    Right Leg: Gives your character -10% to Hit Chance and +10% to Damage.

    Center: Gives your character +10% to Hit Chance and -10% to Damage.

    Left Leg: Gives your character no bonuses.

    The Block Zones determine where a knight will block when their opponent is attacking. Like the Hit Zones, Block Zones have 5 rounds and have a chance to completely block an opponent’s attack that round. The Block Zones are:

    Right upper body: Blocks Right Shoulder and Right Arm.

    Left upper body: Blocks Left Shoulder and Left Arm.

    Center: Blocks Head and Chest.

    Right side: Blocks Right Arm, Right Leg, Chest, Center.

    Left side: Blocks Left Arm, Left Leg, Chest, Center.

    Part 6: Loot Chest

    The loot chest is where any items a user may generate during normal game play. If a player finds an item or a clue on a mission, the loot chest is where the item will automatically be put. After an item is received in the loot chest, it has to be removed in 7 days or it will be automatically sold.


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  • Section 2: World

    Part 7: News

    The current news for both the player and the server the player is on is located in the news section.

    On the left, "My updates" shows information pertinent to the user, such any new achievements, or level-ups, as well as tournament victories in the player’s level range.

    On the right, "Server updates" shows the updates from the other players and orders on the server. The news shown can include if other players have leveled up to an achievement level, or if an order on the server has won or lost an order battle and if they captured the castle or not.

    Also, any announcements provided by GameForge about in-game events will be located in the News in its own section above the others.

    Part 8: Mission

    This is where a player is able to fight mission monsters for silver, karma, and experience. A regular player gets 5 mission points per hour totaling 120 in a day, whereas a Premium player gets 10 mission points per hour totaling 240 in a day.

    There are 3 Mission choices: Small, Medium, Large.

    Small Missions: Costs 20 Mission Points, and 1 gem for an extra Small mission.

    Medium Missions: Costs 40 Mission Points and 2 gems for an extra Medium mission.

    Large Missions: Costs 60 Mission Points and 3 gems for an extra Large mission.

    There are three important issues to keep in mind with Missions.

    1.) With a higher Luck attribute, the likelihood of a mission giving a larger payout is greater. How? Every mission monster has the ability to give any of the "profit classes." So, what is a profit class? A profit class is the type of result a player gets at the end of the mission: Normal, Large, Phenomenal.

    With a higher Luck attribute a player's mission can be put into a higher profit class, allowing them to get more silver from their mission. The exact formula for how this is equated is not known, but higher luck is always a good thing.

    Also, every mission location has a set of monsters it can give a player and depending on those monsters the payouts will be different. Luck, as far as has been told, has no part in which monster a player will face.

    2.) Missions are contested exactly like duels. For an explanation of how this works, look at the Dueling section on Part #23.

    3.) The toughness of mission monsters is not arbitrary as has been previously thought. The level of the player has the most to do with the mission monster's toughness.

    The game separates players into groups based on level. It then generates the mission monsters based off of the equipment and the attributes of the top tier of players in that level group. The mission monsters will have an average in both equipment and attributes of these top tier players. How the game generates the level groups is unknown.

    Part 9: Travel Map

    This is a map of the BattleKnight Realm, and its numerous cities and towns. The travel map allows you the option to travel from town to town.

    They are (in no particular order): Jarow, Ramstill, Hatwig, Tarant, Milley, Brant, Talmet, Grand, Segur, Thulgar, Gastain, Asgal, Sedwich, Alvan, Waile, Alcran, Endalain, and Talfour.

    Depending on a player’s location and level of Mount the time of travel changes from town to town.

    Part 10: World Map

    Another map of the BattleKnight realm, but this one allows the user to see the town information, if they have travelled to that location, or are currently at that location.

    Town Information can be found at:

    Part 11: The Legacy

    The Legacy is the story of the BattleKnight realm, which can be played out by following clues that are found during missions or bought at the Artifact Merchant. There are multiple types of clues, and they are:

    Common Clues; Frequent Clues; Isolated Clues; Rare Clues; Unique Clues.

    The clue levels are (submitted by JoeJoTheKnight):

    3 Common Clues = 1 Frequent Clue

    3 Frequent Clues = 1 Isolated Clue

    3 Isolated Clues = 1 Rare Clue

    2 Rare clues = 1 Unique clue


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  • Section 3: Tavern

    Part 12: Group Missions

    Group missions are missions that can be done once a day with a maximum of 6 players per group. Group missions are unlocked at level 9.

    Part 13: Mercenaries

    The mercenary tab allows a player to put themselves for hire for order wars other than their own. The player can choose their price, based on the level of the player, and choose whether or not they want to participate in this practice or not. The ability to be a mercenary opens up at level 6.


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  • Section 4: Market Place

    Part 14: Weapon Merchant

    This is where a player can go to fulfill all his or her weapon buying needs. Regular weapons can be found here, as well as lances for jousting.

    Part 15: Armor Merchant

    This is where a player can go to buy all of the armor they may need. Helmets, Body Armor, Leggings, and Shields are all available at the Armor Merchant.

    Part 16: Rune Merchant

    The Rune merchant is where a player goes to buy runes, which are able to be inserted into their weapons and armor.

    Part 17: Blacksmith

    The blacksmith is the area in which a player can have the runes put into the weapons or armor that they purchased. Once a rune is in a weapon, however, it cannot be taken out.

    Part 18: Artifact Merchant

    The artifact merchant is where a player goes to buy magically imbued rings and amulets to wear. Also, a player may find clues for The Legacy at the Artifact Merchant.

    Part 19: Alchemist

    The alchemist is where potions are brewed. A player goes to the Alchemist to find potions that regenerate life. Potions are based on the level of your character. Also, there is a Full-heal potion that costs 10 rubies.

    Part 20: Auctioneer

    The Auctioneer is where players compete with other players in their level range for equipment at a cheaper rate than found in the regular merchant sections. With the exception of the “Buy now” option, all items in the auctioneer cost no rubies, making items like rings and amulets, which almost always cost rubies, easier to obtain. The “Buy now” option always has a ruby price associated with it.

    The auctioneer has a few drawbacks however because it only runs at specific times during the day and is not available in every town in the BattleKnight realm.

    Part 21: Treasury

    The King’s Treasury allows a player to deposit a percentage of their current held silver into the treasury for safe keeping. The treasury cannot be pillaged by attacking knights, but also takes part of the deposited silver as a fee. Each town in the BattleKnight realm has a different deposit fee.


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  • Section 5: Work and Tournament Area

    Part 22: Work

    Work is where players can put their knights to good use while they are not using it. There are three options for each work location, Good Karma work, Neutral Karma work, and Evil Karma work. The good and evil karma works give their respective karma as well as silver for each hour of work done, but the neutral karma only gives silver. A regular player can work for up to 8 hours, whereas a premium player can work for 12 hours.

    Not every town in the BattleKnight realm offers work opportunities.

    Part 23: Duel

    The Duel arena is the area in which a player can attack another player in search of silver and experience (both positive and negative).

    The Duel arena has 3 choices:

    Search by name: If you know your opponent’s name you can input their name into this field.

    Search by Stronger: The system automatically will search for players greater than or equal to your current level.

    Search by Weaker: The system automatically will search for players lower than your current level.

    After finding a player to attack just press the “Next” button to be brought to that player’s character page for attack.

    Duel outcomes are complicated to understand at first but they really are rather simple. For every duel each player has 5 attacks with each attack happening twice. This makes for a total of 10 attacks. The item bonus “Speed” allows for a player to gain extra attacks in a duel. For every 7 Speed a player has another attack is added.

    Attack and defense zones play a big part in duels. The 5 attack zones determine where a player will attack and in what order. Equally, the 5 defense zones determine where a player will defend and in what order. If an Attacker’s Attack Zone is the same as a Defenders Defense zone the attack will read: Hit has been blocked. In this way it is possible to block every single one of your opponent’s attacks, allowing yourself a significantly greater chance at victory.

    Attributes are a major part of duels as well. Strength and Aptitude add to Damage and Armor respectively. Luck helps determine whether or not a hit will be a critical hit. How both regular hits and critical hits are calculated are explained below. Defense Chance and Strike Chance play a big part of duels. If a player’s Defense Chance is higher than their opponent’s Strike Chance there is a higher probability for the attacker’s hit to miss, which will read: misses. The reverse is true as well, if a player’s Strike Chance is higher than their opponent’s the player has a higher probability of landing a hit.

    Constitution, no less important than any others, does not directly impact duel mechanics, but rather when a player has low health and their opponent does more damage to them than they have health it causes the Duel to end early saying: has given up on account of his numerous injuries. This is what players often call capitulating, a call-back from an earlier version of BattleKnight.

    Part 24: Challenge

    The Challenge section is where a knight can go to earn higher and better titles from Nobles around the BattleKnight world.

    Challenges and their levels can be found at:

    Part 25: Tournament

    The Tournament section is where a knight can go to Joust other knights in the Kingdom. This option opens up at level 8. Tournaments are based on the level of the knights involved, so that a knight can compete on an even playing field with the knights near in level.

    The Prize for winning a tournament varies based on the number of people involved in the tournament.

    The Prizes are determined by level bracket. Each level bracket starts a new "prize level." The Prizes always have the same amount of gems given, but different amounts of silver. The silver given per win is determined by the prize level. Every prize level increases the silver amount by 300 silver.

    The prizes given are:

    8 players: Prize level times 300, 6 gems

    16 players: Prize level times 300, 8 gems

    32 players: Prize level times 300, 10 gems

    64 players: Prize level times 300, 12 gems

    128 players: Prize level times 300, 14 gems

    Also, after each win in a tournament round the winning player receives silver and a gem.


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  • Section 6: Order


    Part 26: Search for Order

    This is the section where if a player is not already a member of an order, they may search for one to join. Typing in * allows the player to look at all the orders in the Kingdom.

    Part 27: Found Order

    In order to create an Order a player must be level 3 and must have 1000 silver available. The player must then choose the name of their Order and a tag that will be displayed next to the name of each order member. After founding, 15 members are allowed to join.

    Part 28: Overview

    Once a player is in an Order, the first option available is the Overview tab. This tab allows the player to see the Order’s Detail which includes a picture, the Order name, Order tag, number of members, Homepage, when the Order was founded, and its Treasury. Below these options are the options to Donate silver and/or rubies to the Order and to Leave the Order.

    The Order Description the place where the leaders of the Order describe to the rest of the Kingdom, as well as the Order’s own members, anything that they want to convey.

    Part 29: Rank Administration

    If given the proper permissions, this is where a player in an Order can change the rank names of the Order, as well as change permissions for those ranks.

    The permissions are:

    Order Profile: Allows you to Edit the Order Profile.

    User Administration: Allows you to control the ranks.

    Applications: Allows you to accept or reject applicants to your Order.

    Hideaway: Allows you to Expand your Hideaway.

    Order castle: Allows you to upgrade/downgrade your castle’s bonuses and start Order Wars.

    Forum administration: Allows you control over the Order Forum.

    Part 30: Members

    Here a player can see all the members in their own order. If they have the right permissions, they may also change other players ranks as well as remove players from the Order.

    Part 31: Hideaway

    The Hideaway is a system which allows a player in an Order to upgrade the number of members that are allowed to join the Order. There are 17 Levels, each level allows 5 more members to join an Order, after the initial 15. Each upgrade also costs an additional amount of Silver.

    The levels and their costs are as follows:


    Part 32: Order War

    An Order War is conducted between two Orders in the Kingdom. An Order can attack another Order for two reasons, to Pillage their silver, or to Capture their castle.

    To start an Order War, a player must first select a Castle, choose whether they want to Capture or Pillage the order, and hit the corresponding button. The player then has the option to recruit the members of their own Order into the battle, as well as spend silver from the Order’s Treasury to buy Mercenaries from the Mercenary list.

    The Order War battle system is based on a “SuperKnight” principle, in that all the Attributes of the members of the Order involved in the War, as well as any mercenaries bought, are totaled together and put in a battle, much like a Mission is, and the winner is the one who deals the most damage.

    The battle itself is not calculated until the very end of the battle cycle, which is 24 hours.After the battle, the Order that was attacked is granted a 24-hour protection period during which it cannot be attacked again by the same assailant, due to a mandatory Peace Treaty that must be canceled first. However, it can be immediately attacked by another clan without such restrictions.

    Part 33: Castle Expansion

    Once an Order obtains a castle, they are able to upgrade one of three options: Training Room, Treasure Chest, and Wall.

    The Training Room: Gives 2% reduction in Attribute costs per level.

    The Treasure Chest: Protects 3000 silver per level, in Order Wars.

    The Wall: Gives a 4% increase in Armor per level.

    Based on the level of castle the Order obtained, the number of upgrades available for purchase will vary.

    Part 34: Order Forum

    The Order Forum is where the leaders of the Order can create threads on which players can post. Most often the forum is used to keep information that the Order does not want to lose, such as training materials.

    The Forums can be designated to limit who can view it based on rank.

    Part 35: Circular Message

    A Circular message is a message that is sent out to every member of the Order.


    Edited once, last by Paso ().

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  • Section 7: Country Estate and Shop

    Part 36: Country Estate

    The Country Estate is the section where a player can use rubies they have bought, or won, to buy features which give them advantages over other players. All estate bonuses are activated by 30 days, per click.

    These features are:

    Guard: Cost 15 gems. Increases your defense chance by 25% when on defense (being attacked).

    Potion of Regeneration: Cost 30 gems. Doubles life regeneration and cuts cooldown time for duels in half.

    Treasure Chest: Cost 15 gems. 40% less silver loss after a losing duel.

    Premium Account: Cost 30 gems. Allows for Ad-free play, 240 daily mission points (instead of 120), an in-game Notepad, Better Text-formatting in Messages and Forum posts, 250 silver plus a day’s worth of work per activation, Messages are saved for longer, and Work can be done for 12 hours.

    Brother in Arms: Cost 15 gems. Increases weapon damage by 25% and Hit chance by 25%.

    Training Dummy: Cost 15 gems. Reduces attribute costs by 25%.

    Part 37: Shop

    The Shop is where a player can go to buy certain items that cost rubies, which cannot be attained otherwise.

    These consist of Mounts as well as Companions.

    Current Companions and their bonuses are:

    Sniffer Dog: Cost 45 gems. Gives a 5% bonus to find an item in Missions after a loss in a dice roll after a Group Mission. And a 1% bonus to find items on Missions.

    Squire: Cost 100 gems. Gives the player full health at the start of a tournament round.

    Kitten: Cost 50 gems. No bonuses.

    Raven: Cost 50 gems till level 15 and 100 gems after that. Gives 5% silver reduction cost for the equipment items.

    Current Mounts and their bonuses are:

    Black Lightning Bolt: Cost, only available through special voucher. 50% decrease in Travel time. Tournament fee reduced by 50%. Increase in tournament silver earnings by 20%.

    White Unicorn: Cost 150 gems, only available to those with 500 Light Karma and up. 25% decrease in travel time. 20% chance of penetrating a blocked hit in a tournament. 5% increased chance to block a hit in a tournament.

    Black Unicorn: Cost 150 gems, only available to those with 500 Dark Karma and up. 25% decrease in travel time. 20% chance to penetrate a blocked hit in a tournament. 5% increased chance to block a hit in a tournament.

    Black War Bear: Cost 200 gems. 50% reduction in travel time. 5% increase in armor. Causes an addition 5% damage after each hit in battle.

    Manticore: Cost 200 gems. +60 % travel time reduction. +8 % bonus damage. +3 % more luck.

    Last Tab that look like shield is for gear sets, there are Dragon and Gryphin sets there, as well Nightwalker - which is only obtainable up to level 20.


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  • Section 8: Messages

    Part 38: Inbox

    Here the player receives messages from other players. The player can also respond to the message they received here.

    Respond choices are:

    Quote message: in which the original message is quoted in italics and an RE: is put on the subject of the original subject.

    Reply to message: in which the message and subject fields are completely blank.

    Report message: where a player can report inappropriate messages from another player. It brings up another screen in which the player can describe why the message is inappropriate.

    Delete message: Deletes the message from your inbox. Once you delete the message is gone forever, as there is no trash folder.

    Part 39: New Message

    The player can compose a new message to another player in this section.

    Part 40: Reports

    All incoming Offensive and Defensive Battle reports, Mission reports, Group Mission reports, and Order War reports, go to this section.

    Part 41: Order

    All Circular messages from a player’s order go to this section.

    Part 42: Outbox

    Every sent message, by the player, is put into this section.


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  • Section 9: Highscore

    Part 43: Player Highscore

    The player highscore is where a player can go to see how they are doing compared to other players in the Kingdom. The highscore list can be sorted into five sections, with the default section being Loot.

    Level: Sorts all the players on the server from Highest level to Lowest level.

    Loot: Sorts all the players on the server from Highest booty amount to Lowest booty amount.

    Battles: Sorts all the players on the server from Most total battles to Least total battles.

    Battles (won): Sorts all the players on the server from Most battles won to Least Battles won.

    Battles (lost): Sorts all the players on the server from Most battles lost to Least Battles lost.

    Part 44: Order Highscore

    The Order highscore is where a player can see all the orders on the server and how their Order stacks up against other Orders. It is separated into four sections, with the default section being Loot (all).

    Members: Sorts all the orders on the Server from Most members to Least members.

    Loot (all): Sorts all the orders on the server from Most total loot to Least total loot.

    Loot (average): Sorts all the orders on the server from Highest loot average to Lowest loot average.

    Level (average): Sorts all the orders on the server from Highest level average to lowest level average.


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  • Section 10: Miscellaneous

    Part 45: What equipment at what level?

    A very important part of BattleKnight is the equipment a player can buy. The following are suggested pieces of equipment to look for, based on level.

    Level 9 - Level 11: Ysooth's of Dragon

    Level 19 - Level 22: Sasyth's of Hell

    Level 34 - Level 44: Taiengisth's of Spider

    Level 52 - Level 55: Kelroth's OR Eerdoth's of Air Elemental/Fire Elemental/Water Elemental

    Level 62 - Level 69: Aynukth's of Devastation OR Shyvorelth's of Devastation

    Level 75 - Level 82: Maghul's of Destruction

    Level 88 - Level 92: Innnath's of Annihilation or Anarchy

    Part 46: What town at what level?

    These are the suggested towns that players should go to and the mission locations they should use for maximum Silver payout. These suggestions are based on personal experience. If possible multiple suggestions will be posted.

    Start (Level 1) until Level 6 - Tarant (Shore)

    Level 7 until Level 14 - Endalain (Mystical Tower)

    Level 15 until Level 21 - Hatwig (Forest)

    Level 22 until Level 34 - Talmet (Cave)

    Level 35 onward - Talfour (Dragon's Lair)

    Part 47: Where to obtain the best equipment?

    The best places for all armor are Brant and Ramstill.

    The best places for weapons are Milley, Segur, and Jarow.

    The best place for amulets is Sedwich.

    Part 48: Top Menu


    Brings you to a page that lists the rules of BattleKnight. It is important to know and understand these rules as any rule breaking can end in the banning of your account, so take the time to read them all.


    The settings option, at the top of the screen, allows you to adjust your various account settings.

    Change e-mail address: It shows your Current e-mail address, and allows you to change your e-mail address by inputting the new one into the field and hitting “Apply changes.”

    Change password: If you want to change your password, you have to input your Old Password and then what you want your New Password to be and hit “Apply changes.”

    Delete account: Pressing Delete account will send an e-mail account to the Current e-mail address that is on your account. Also, the game gives you 7 days to reconsider deleting.

    Automatically mark messages as read: Allows you to check whether you want certain message types to be automatically marked as read. The options are:

    Duels (attacker); Duels (defender); Mission reports; Group missions; Challenges; Tournament Reports; Mercenary messages; Auction messages; Messaghes from you to your Order; Messages from other Order members; Player messages.

    General Settings: Allows you to check whether or not you wish to receive e-mails on from GameForge if you have been inactive for 2 weeks.


    Brings you to the External Board of BattleKnight where all development news and in-game contests are explained and held. Also it allows users from all the servers of a nation to interact with each other.


    Brings you to the support page where you can report anything from inappropriate content to a shared connection.


    Ends your current BattleKnight session. Logging out will automatically bring you to the log-in page.

    Part 49: Ruby Merchant

    The Ruby Merchant is where you can buy or earn rubies to play with.

    Buying Rubies: How many rubies you get for how much money you spend depends on what nation you live in.

    Redeem coupon: Here you can redeem coupons that are given out by GameForge for special contests.

    Earn Rubies: There are two options, SponsorPay and SuperRewards. Depending on what country you are located in they allow you to do surveys and buy services/items to earn rubies.

    Part 50: Damage Formulas

    Physical Damage (Provided by Lord Alucard):

    Total Damage:

    ((Damage+strength/4)* 0.75 * (zone percentage) *(25% if brother is active, if not, this doesn't get included)) - (Armor+Aptitude)= damage brackets

    For Critical Hits:

    (Total damage)*(1.75+critic hit bonus on gear)

    Part 51: Experience Chart


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  • Part 52: What enemies are where?

    Knowing which mission monsters are where is an important factor. In addition to helping a player complete the "Types of Enemies defeated" Achievement, it also helps the player know which towns and mission locations to go to, to receive a preferred payout.

    Foes that give Good Karma and their Locations:

    Crossbowmen - Jarow - Mountain

    Fiend - Talmet - Forest

    Rogue Knight - Talfour - Castle Ruins

    Black Knight - Talfour - Witch Forest

    Lindworm - Talfour - Dragon Nest

    Black Dragon - Talfour - Castle Ruins

    Harpy - Thulgar - Cliff

    Banshee - Asgal - Burning Village

    Assasin - Asgal - Port

    Cultist - Endelain - Tower

    Viking - Gastain - Enemy Bridgehead

    Viking Chief - Gastain - Enemy Bridgehead

    Witch - Talfour - Witch Forest

    Black Unicorn - Ramstil - Destiny Cliff

    Maniac - Thulgar - Mountain

    Axmen - Segur- Enemy Bridgeheads

    Bandits - Tarant - Bandit Camps

    Barbarians Ramstill - Shore

    Spies - Asgal - Harbor

    Tribal Chieftans - Segur- Enemy Bridgeheads

    Trolls - Alcran - Bridges

    Foes that give no Karma and their Locations:

    Air Spirit - Waile - Lighthouse

    Earth Spirit - Brant - Mountain

    Fire Spirit - Alcran - Burning Village/Brant - Volcano

    Mage- Endalain - Tower/Talfour - Dragon Nest

    Sea Serpent - Waile -Stranded Ship/Alvan - stranded ship

    Tree Spirit - Talmet - Forest/Hatwig - Forest

    Water Spirit- Shore/Stranded ship

    Foes that give Evil Karma and their Locations:

    Archer - Alcran - Watchtower/Thulgar - Fortified Camp

    Blacksmith - Asgal - Burning Village

    Cavalryman - Alcran - Fortified Camp

    City Guard - Endalain - Tower

    Druid - Endalain - Tower

    Dryad - Hatwig - Forest

    General - Endalain - Victory Column/Alcran - Fortified Camp

    Gryphon - Jarow - Cliff

    Hermit - Brant - Mountain

    Mermaid - Waile - Lighthouse

    Paladin - Endalain - Victory Column/Talfour - Deadland and Witchforest

    Phoenix - Brant - Volcano/Talfour - Dragon Nest

    Sailor - Asgal - Harbor/Stranded Ship

    Scout - Tarant - Bandit Camp

    Shepherd - Alcran - Shore

    Swordsman - Segur - Enemy Bridgehead/Alcran - Fortified Camp

    Traveling Merchant - Alcran - Bridge/Endalain - Tower

    Treasure Hunter - Tarant - Cave/Asgal - Stranded Ship

    Unicorn - Ramstill

    White Dragon - Talfour - Dragon Nest

    Young Nobleman - Alcran - Bridge/Talfour - Witch Forest

    Additional locations (if any) will be added as I can find them.


    Draivanhoe and Terek like this.
  • Group Mission Guide

    All the Basics Players Need to Know About Group Missions

    What is a Group Mission?

    A Group Mission is a daily mission, that costs 120 mission points and regenerates 5 mission points per hour after completed, that can be done with 2-6 players for a substantial silver gain and an opportunity to receive an artifact.

    How to find and Create a Group Mission

    First find the Tavern tab on the left:


    The first screen that shows up is this:


    The "Search For Group" function is for if there are a number of groups and the specific one you're looking for isn't there.

    "Group Search Result" is the section that automatically searches for all groups that allow your level in. This is where you will find all groups for your level range, and you can see the requirements that the group creator has put for their group.

    Some only allow Order members from the creator's order. Groups created with only Order members have the advantage of no cool-down period after the Group Mission goes off, but the members also have to roll dice to get the artifact from the mission. Depending on the activity level of the members involved that could take longer than the regular 30 minute cool-down.

    Some groups have application requirements, which means that you apply for the Group and the creator has to accept the application before you are added to the group.

    All Groups have level requirements, which the Group creator can make more lenient or stricter at their discretion.

    And the last option on the Overview page is "Create a Group".

    Fill out the options in the section and it brings up this page:


    From here you can edit any of the group requirements or options, and all you have to do is press "Save Changes" when you're done.

    As Group Leader you have the option to hire mercenaries for the Group, should you not be able to fill it with members.

    That screen looks like this:


    Once on that page, each Mercenary name you see is a drop down list of all the stats of the mercenary, so you can judge whether or not the mercenary is good for your group.


    Once all of your groups settings are finished, all the members joined, or all the mercenaries bought, the next place you should look is the Mission select page. You can find that button again on the Group Overview page at the bottom right. Once you click that it'll bring up a page that looks like this:


    A side note, the number of missions that will be available are based on the level of the Group creator (in this instance, you) and the group members. So, you may have more or less options based on these factors.

    Once you select a location it will look like this:


    Notice the two difficulties shown. Easy and Medium. This indicates the difficulty level of the Mission monster you will face. There are 3 difficulties for Group Missions: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Obviously the silver payout for the more difficult missions are greater than those of the less difficult, but the risk of losing is greater as well.

    ONLY Group Creators can select and start the mission, even though all members can see the options. So, if you're a Group Creator make sure you look at who is in your group and base which difficulty based on the member's and mercenaries, if you have any, stats.

    If you lose a mission it will look like this:


    You get no silver, take damage, and get no EP for the mission. So select carefully. And if you have no clue about which mission monster to do, don't hesitate to ask for help. People in your group want the silver as much as you do!

    If you successfully complete the mission it will look like this:


    And that's a job well-done!

    As you can see under the amount of silver won it also has who won the artifact. Every group mission has an artifact to be found. After a successful mission just under the silver won by you, it will list who received the artifact. If you're the one who receives the artifact it will be placed in your loot chest:


    If it's not taken out after 7 days it will be sold for silver. So make sure to get it out!

    What to look for in Group Members and Mercenaries

    As stated above the victory of the group depends on the stats of the entire group together. There are 5 important stats that go into what to look for in members and mercenaries.

    They are, in this order: Defense Skill, Weapon Skill, Luck, Armor, and Damage.

    If the group's combined stats, of these things, are higher than those of the mission monster, then the mission will be a success. If not, it's almost assured that you will lose. So, if your members are lacking, maybe find a mercenary that compensates for the lack of stats on for those members.

    Also, another factor to consider is, that the mission monsters get harder based on the size of the group. But if you make your group too small you might not be able to beat the monsters as well.

    So, if you're a Group Creator, you have to find the correct balance for your level.

    Generally speaking if you and your group members are around 3-4 times your level in stats you should win with 4-5 members in most scenarios. In lower levels, like levels 8-19, you might only need 2-3 members, and in higher levels in the level 100s you need 5-6 members.

    It all depends on the stats of the group, so really the only way to educate yourself is to do them every day.


    szambelis, old, Francy and 3 others like this.