Section 1: Character
Part 1: Attributes
Attributes are one of the most important parts of BattleKnight. Without raising attributes a player cannot compete on an even playing field with other players and the Mission Monsters.
There are 6 attributes, each with different functions and uses. They are:
Strength: Raises the Strength of your character and by doing so allows you to gain extra physical Damage points. Every 4 points into Strength gives you 1 extra Damage point.
Aptitude: Raises the defensive capabilities of your character and by doing so allows you to gain extra Armor points. Every 4 points into Aptitude gives you 1 extra Armor point.
Constitution: Raises the constitution of your character and by doing so allows you to gain extra Health points. Every 1 point into Constitution gives you 25 Health points. Increasing Constitution also allows for a larger health return every hour.
Luck: Raises luckiness for your character. Higher Luck allows your character to hit more Critical Strikes on each attack. Critical Strikes increase your physical damage output. Also, in a draw during Joust tournaments and Duels the winner is decided by whomever has the higher Luck attribute. Luck also determines the "profit class" for a player's mission outcome.
Weapon Art: Raises the Hit Chance for your character. Hit Chance allows for your character to hit your opponent more often. If your Hit Chance is higher than your opponent’s Defense Chance your chance to land a hit will be greater.
Defense Art: Raises the Defense Chance for your character. Defense Chance allows for your character to make your opponent miss with each attack. If your Defense Chance is higher than your opponent’s Hit Chance your chance to make your opponent miss their attack will be greater.
Part 2: Inventory
The inventory is where a player puts items they have bought at the merchant, if they are not ready to equip them, or is saving them to be sold at a later date.
There are several sections of an inventory, with the primary 2 being the regular Backpack, labeled in-game I and II. As a character progresses the more slots will open up in these.
The third tab, is a + sign, which allows you to buy an extra two inventory tabs. Based on the amount of gems used, the two new tabs can be large or small.
The choices are:
A Pony: Cost, 40 gems. Creates a permanent extra bag, 4 squares by 3.
A Donkey: Cost, 80 gems. Creates a permanent extra bag, 6 squares by 5.
A Horse: Cost, 120 gems. Creates a permanent extra bag 8 squares by 7.
A Cart: Cost, 200 gems. Creates two permanent extra bags, 8 squares by 7.
The next inventory tab has a Horse head as its picture. It is the tab in which all the player’s owned Mounts, that are not equipped, are stored. Mounts are won at Challenges, as well as some being available for purchase at the Premium shop.
To sell a Mount (Horses worth silver only) it must first be equipped to your Mount slot and then sold to the Merchant.
The last inventory tab has a Man’s head as its picture. It is the tab in which all the player’s owned Companions, that are not equipped, are stored. Companions are purchased at the Premium shop.
Part 3: Achievements
What are achievements? Achievements are in-game based medals that show what you have been doing as a player, whether it be jousting, leveling up, or battling. There are 11 regular Achievements