Posts by kmtanoth

    Co powinno być możliwe? Jeśli chcesz, aby ktoś Ci tutaj odpowiedział, powinieneś sprecyzować problem lub przynajmniej załączyć zrzut ekranu.

    Może się również zdarzyć, że twój problem będzie wymagał zgłoszenia do pomocy technicznej, np. jeśli dotyczy problemów z innymi graczami. To nie jest miejsce na forum.

    Postać, która wydaje się mieć bardzo wysokie wartości umiejętności dla swojego poziomu, jest prawdopodobnie graczem turniejowym i wykorzystuje technikę tak zwanych bitew -XP, aby uniknąć awansu (bitwy z niższymi poziomami, które zapewniają ujemne punkty doświadczenia). W ten sposób pozostaje na stałym poziomie i teoretycznie może mieć tak wysoką wartość umiejętności, jak mu się podoba.

    Jeśli chodzi o wydajność srebra w misjach, to o ile mi wiadomo, nie ma ona wpływu na szybkość serwera.

    Chciałbym dodać następujące informacje:

    Na normalnym serwerze gracz może być atakowany przez tego samego gracza co 12 godzin, ale przez różnych graczy co 60 minut.

    W związku z tym czasy ochrony przed atakami na serwerze x5 wynoszą 144 minuty (dla ataków tego samego gracza) i 12 minut (dla ataków różnych graczy).

    L'accesso a tutti i miei account in qualsiasi momento tramite la lobby è fantastico. Una fusione di server sarebbe una grande seccatura per diverse ragioni. Inoltre, posso eseguire qualsiasi azione di gioco sul mio smartphone proprio come sul mio PC, non appena collego un mouse.

    Mi piace molto il gioco e attendo con ansia ogni nuovo server e le eccitanti possibilità che offre. Non ho mai cancellato uno dei miei account, cosa che per me sarebbe assolutamente impensabile.

    Tutto sommato, non trovo affatto noioso Battleknight, e per favore dovrebbe rimanere esattamente com'è. È perfetto così com'è, e posso immaginare di giocarci con entusiasmo per molti anni a venire (completamente gratis, tra l'altro^^).

    E ora?

    Tradotto con (versione gratuita)

    It seems you have a quite limited knowledge of how tournament duels work. These "real opponents" that you imagine to be "interesting" will just be overpowered defense/luck skill monsters where you WILL lose every single duel with NO CHANCE of ever winning a tournament, meaning you'll be unable to generate free rubies and will eventually give up. There is no such thing as "real luck" in such unbalanced duels, just endless frustration (except for the guy who is winning all the time, of course^^)

    In BK, the time span that you have spent playing actively is directly proportional to your skills/loot/power/level etc. So image merging a server that has been running for 5 years with servers that have been running for 1 or 2 years. Take a wild guess, the players from which of those servers will be dominant, and who will lose in such a merger? ^^

    I find it amazing that people don't see this fundamental problem of imbalance and still foolishly cry for server mergers. You even topped it by suggesting a merge of ALL servers, now that is just ludicrous.

    MMORPG is fine if all players have the same chances from the start. But randomly throwing together players of vastly different power (based on the age of their account), in a game where the is no attack protection, is a really bad thing.

    I'm not even gonna comment on your first sentence ... ah, what the heck, I will ... well, that is just another poor attempt to insult me on a personal level (I don't even know what 'candy crush' is, let alone care ... but you seem to be familiar with it, good for you^^).


    Maybe an example will open your eyes:

    This is from an old server, showing two Level 12 tournament knight accounts, one that has been played for many years, the other for 1 or 2 years.

    Now, what do you think, will the new guy EVER win a tournament? You can wish him good luck, but the answer is obvious...

    Heahmund: Let's just say we have a fundamentally different view on this game. I'd say spending 9000 Euros in 2 years qualifies for hardcore play. Not much more to say here. I have no desire to teach you anything, mate. I just do my thing, and you do yours.

    Great life lessons, guys ... LOL

    I only play this game to pass some free time, I like winning, and I hate competition, especially the kind that buys tons of rubies to get an advantage. I do not buy rubies, so I rely on rubies from tournaments, and it is working beautifully by now.

    There is really not much more to say, you just don't get it if you're playing only a handful of accounts like I imagine most of you do. I play well over 100 accounts, and I'd like to continue to do so.


    Your attempted insult of calling me a "coward" is just ludicrous. What has playing smart and not wanting to spend money on an essentially dead game got to do with being a "coward"? LOL ...


    Who cares what the game was like 10, 15 years ago? No server mergers can bring those apparently "golden days" back. Start living in the present.

    And for your information: I have been down that road (spending rubies on missions) the hardcore way ... until I realized it's just not worth it, and there is a better way to enjoy the game ... for free :)

    Les adversaires de mission se basent sur les stats des autres joueurs jusqu'à 5 niveaux en dessous de toi. S'il n'y a personne parce que tu as trop d'avance sur les autres, tu joues contre des adversaires de mission qui se basent sur tes propres stats. Dans ce cas, il ne te sert à rien d'améliorer tes stats, car les adversaires de mission te suivent toujours. Ce qui aide vraiment, c'est d'avoir nettement plus de Def que de Off, et le frère d'armes, parfois tu as encore besoin d'acide.

    Mais dans les niveaux supérieurs, à partir de 60-70 environ, cela s'améliore, surtout si tu portes alors de l'équipement avec des résistances élevées, comme le kit du tueur de dragons.

    Traduit avec (version gratuite)

    Ich hätte das hier anzubieten:

    Runen die es in jedem Level im Runenhändler zu kaufen gibt

    Fehu Rune

    Konstitution +1

    Naud Rune

    Geschick +1

    Kan Rune

    Glück +1

    Ar Rune

    Stärke +1

    Laf Rune

    Feuerresistenz +2

    Eisresistenz +2

    Schockresistenz +2

    Giftresistenz +2

    Uruz Rune

    Feuerresistenz +4

    Eisresistenz +4

    Schockresistenz +4

    Giftresistenz +4

    Kaun Rune

    Feuerschaden +1

    Feuerresistenz +5

    Hagal Rune

    Schaden 2-2

    Os Rune

    Eisschaden +1

    Eisresistenz +5

    Isa Rune

    Verteidigungskunst +1

    Rüstung +1

    Madr Rune

    Stärke +2

    Konstitution +2

    Geschick +2

    Glück +2

    Is Rune

    Stärke +4

    Konstitution +4

    Geschick +4

    Glück +4

    Runen die man erst ab einem bestimmten Level kaufen kann


    ab Level 40

    Verteidigung +2

    Trefferchance +2


    ab Level 55

    Schaden 6-8

    Rüstung 8


    ab Level 65

    Geschwindigkeit +1

    Kritischer Schaden +1

    Chromatische Schuppe

    ab Level 75

    auf alle Elementarschäden +5


    ab Level 90

    Geschwindigkeit +2

    Kritischer Schaden +3

    Einfache Meerjungfrauenschuppe

    ab Level 80

    Trefferchance +3

    Schimmernde Meerjungfrauenschuppe

    ab Level 90

    Verteidigungschance +3

    Vielfarbige Meerjungfrauenschuppe

    ab Level 90

    Trefferchance +3

    Verteidigungschance +3

    Schwache Elementaressenz

    ab Level 100

    Trefferchance +1

    Verteidigungschance +1

    alle Elementarschäden +1

    Starke Elementaressenz

    ab Level 100

    Trefferchance +2

    Verteidigungschance +2

    alle Elementarschäden +5

    Imagine that your argument for not wanting a merger and therefore more activity is that you might no longer be "the best" in tournaments.

    What a selfish excuse

    I want activity, I want there to be a war of orders, I want to have real rivals in the tournaments and if someone in my rank appears who is better than me, then I will find a way to beat him and defeat him.

    What's wrong with being selfish in a game like this? Of course I want what's best for ME, not for some anonymous other players who I don't even really know, let alone care about.

    And about your desire to meet "real rivals in the tournaments": Believe me, you'll meet rivals that are so much better than you that you can't beat them in years, if ever .. and you'll grow tired of losing all the time real soon ... so better be careful what you wish for ;)

    And the "war of orders" that you're so keen about? You do realize that there is a limited number of good castles on the BK map, right? What happens when suddenly 20 large orders compete for a handful of good castles? I'll tell you what happens: The end of "cheaper skilling days" for many many knights.

    No no, this whole server merging is a really stupid idea, that would leave many dedicated players out in the cold, destroying everything they carefully build up over the years. I sincerely hope it never happens.

    I really don't get why so many people are eager for server mergers. For a player like me, who operates successful tournament knights on many servers, it would be a disaster. The idea of suddenly facing a "competitor" from a another server, maybe twice as strong or whatever, and not winning anything anymore, is pure horror.

    I really pray that GF never takes up this REALLY REALLY BAD idea. It would be the one thing that makes me stop playing BK almost immediately -- simply because 90% of the accounts that I've been bulding over the years would suddenly be completely useless. I play F2P and rely on rubies from tournaments almost everywhere I play, and I play on MANY servers.

    I understand why someone with a level 282 account and insane stats would welcome a server merge, though. For him it would simply mean more potential victims. But I'm sure many tournament players, especially the F2Ps, are with me in rejecting this idea vehemently.

    So, PLEASE, NO SERVER MERGERS, ever ....


    EDIT: What I could probably live with is some form of moderate mergers, not all servers like in BiteFight, but let's say every three servers into one new, for example

    en30, en29, en28 --> en 30

    en33, en32, en31 --> en 33

    en36, en35, en34 --> en 36

    and so on ... I'd probably still lose some good tournament winning knights, but at least I'd still have enough useful accounts to keep me motivated...

    great capture :) now you must find 3 victim :)

    You do remember June 2022, right? ;)

    It wasn't in the same category, only about 1 mil total, but still ... pretty cool at the time, and surprising for the victim I guess =O

    So, in a way, 3 victims have happened already ... anyway, I don't plan this stuff at all, it just happens sometimes, typically triggered by some random observation ... but whenever such an opportunity arises, I become really excited and commited to maximize the outcome 8)

    [...]I noticed that Germany and just another country have a x10 server [...]

    What's "another country" with x10 server supposed to be? Can't find any, the German x10 server seems to be the only one.

    Which warrants the question whether GF really wants to open another x10 server. The existing one would lose its uniqueness.